We all do it, put off til tomorrow what could be done today.

Sometimes it doesn't matter but at other times it can stop us achieving our goals and leave us feeling frustrated and held back in our lives.

So what to do?

We can support you to identify the areas of your life where you need to be more productive, ask you some questions to help you figure out WHY you put certain tasks off, and most importantly, help you choose the right approach to getting things moving.

Overcoming procrastination is not a one off process and the exercises we take you through are not an instant cure-all. But they can help you narrow in on the behaviours to develop…which leads them to becoming life-long habits! 

The Steps

We will take you through a series of exercises that will help you identify:

Which areas in your life you procrastinate over

What the benefits are for you in overcoming these habits

Understanding the reasons why you procrastinate

Identify your strategies to make the changes you want

Make your plan

Do it!

Review and refocus

Think you would find this useful? Then contact us to find out more

Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.

- Don Marquis

Life & Business Coaching

Personal & Business Coaching


​​​​​A goal should scare you a little

but excite you a lot!