A goal should scare you a little
but excite you a lot!
Life & Business Coaching
Achieve Coaching
Personal & Business Coaching
Lesley's update:
I've been working with a client on Limiting Beliefs, we all have them and to make progress we need to identify them and work on strategies to overcome them. These beliefs can be fear of failure - "What if I get it wrong? So maybe I won't start and then I won't fail!" But suppose you succeed?!
Some of the questions I have been asking my client are:
Was there a time when you didn’t believe this? What changed?
How would you think about this belief if you were, a friend, a family member, or a person you admire?
If you knew that this was not true what would you do differently?
Answering these, and other questions, can help you understand why you behave this way and then we can work together so that you can move forward differently.